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Luxury: Landscape of Business Administration (Online ISSN: 2988-7585; Print ISSN: 2988-7593) is a research journal that aims to investigate and analyze phenomena in the context of business administration. This topic can cover various aspects related to the industry, such as brand management, marketing strategy, supply chain management, customer experience, or financial analysis from both casual to prestigious sectors. This journal examines how businesses operate in an evolving global context, considering factors such as economic developments, consumer trends, sustainability, and the impact of technology on the industry. This journal also discusses the specific challenges faced by businesses, including intense competition, maintenance of brand image, or strict regulation. This journal includes a theoretical review of the concept of business administration, as well as research methods used in such research, such as case studies, surveys, data analysis, or interviews. This journal exclusively publishes articles every January and July.
This journal was published on July, 31st, 2024. The authors in this edition come from Indonesia (Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Master, Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia), Australia (Bond University), Brunei Darussalam (Universiti Brunei Darussalam), and China (East China Normal University).
Luxury: Landscape of Business Administration (Online ISSN: 2988-7585; Print ISSN: 2988-7593) explores concepts and characteristics related to administration and business, including products, brands, and experiences. The focus includes understanding what makes something a business, how an image is formed, and why consumers are attracted to a business' product or service. This journal also reviews topics related to business management. This could include management strategy, accounting, specialty marketing, brand management, supply chain management, finance and performance analysis of casual to prestigious sectors, or other management issues relevant to business administration. This journal also provides a thorough view of the industrial landscape or layout. It involves understanding industry dynamics, recent trends, external factors affecting business, and shifts in consumer perceptions and preferences for business products.
This journal includes a theoretical review of business administration concepts, as well as research methods used in such research, such as case studies, surveys, data analysis, interviews, or other forms of articles approved by the editor.
Article Processing Charge since September 2023
Authors from 1 institution in Indonesia: IDR 350,000
Authors can get reduced publication costs by adding other institutions or international authors.
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Online ISSN: 2988-7585
Print ISSN: 2988-7593
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Luxury: Landscape of Business Administration (Online ISSN: 2988-7585; Print ISSN: 2988-7593)
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