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This journal publishes articles on various topics such as curriculum development, teaching and learning strategies, educational technology, teacher education, educational psychology, teaching strategies, curriculum, learning evaluation, technology in education, teacher performance, teacher human resource, general education, specific education, science education, early childhood, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school education, Dedication to education, Sharing knowledge of community development, and so on. This journal aims to provide a forum for critical reflection and discourse on contemporary issues in education and pedagogy, as well as to promote the advancement of knowledge and understanding in this field.
The journal welcomes original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, conceptual papers, book reviews that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in education and pedagogical, and other forms of articles approved by the Editor.
Focus and Scope
Open Access Policy
Article Processing Charge
Peer Review Process
Plagiarism Check
Publication Ethics
Journal License
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Online ISSN: 2988-3636
Print ISSN: 2988-4659
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reflection: Education and Pedagogical Insights (Online ISSN: 2988-3636; Print ISSN: 2988-4659)
Editorial Office of First Ciera Publisher
Pondok Mutiara Housing Complex, Tampan Village, Payung Sekaki District, Pekanbaru City, Riau 28291