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1. General
Manuscripts submitted to this journal must be original work that has not been published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal welcomes submissions written in English. Manuscripts should be no more than 15 pages, including tables, figures, and illustrations. A minimum of 20 references is required. All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed.
Please use the template provided in this link. Kindly refer to Template Checklist for Guidance.
To ensure your article will be accepted for publication, please refer to our Journal Policy. You can also refer to our guide on how to submit.
2. Types of Paper
2.1. Research Articles
Research Articles present original research that is expected to present a major advancement and contribution to the body of knowledge or a particular area. Research Articles follow the format provided in the guide to authors. The content includes an abstract, an introduction, materials and methods, results, a discussion, and a conclusion. The supplementary materials that support the paper's conclusions are welcomed.
2.2. Reviews
Review articles summarize and describe new developments of interdisciplinary significance as well as propose new future research directions based on their reviews. Reviews contain an abstract, an introduction that outlines the main theme, subheadings, and the future direction for resolving research questions.
3. Title
Manuscripts should be headed with a concise title. Please include the author's full name, complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address. In the case of multiple authors, please indicate the primary author to whom all correspondence regarding the paper should be directed.
4. Abstract
All manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract, between 200-300 words, written in English. The abstract should not only indicate the subject and scope of the paper but also summarize the author’s conclusion along with a maximum of five (5) keywords that could be useful for information-retrieval purposes. A good abstract should consist of an introduction, problem statement, quantitative results & discussion, and quantitative conclusion.
5. Style
5.1. Tables
All tables should be kept simple and clear and should be referred to in the text. They should be numbered, and titled in the order of which they are referred to in the text.
5.2. Illustrations
Illustrations including diagrams and graphs should be sharp, noise-free, and of good contrast. They should accompany the manuscript and be numbered consecutively in the same order as they are referred to in the text. Line drawings should be in black ink on a white background and the lettering size must be large enough to permit legible reduction whenever necessary. All photographs submitted must be of good quality and printed on glossy paper. The author’s name, the short title of the paper, and the figure number must be written on the reverse side of each illustration submitted.
5.3. Mathematical Notation and Equations
All equations must be clearly typed and should be identified or numbered accordingly. Each symbol is given a description.
6. Acknowledgements
A brief acknowledgment of no more than 50 words must be included at the end of the manuscript, before the list of references.
7. References
References should appear in a separate Reference section at the end of the manuscripts, typed double-spaced in the order of the item referred to in the next, using numerals in square brackets. The style for papers: [Reference number], Authors (last name, followed by a first initial for the main author, and first initial followed by last name for other authors), year, title, periodical (in italics), volume (issue), inclusive page numbers. The style for books: Authors, title (in italics), year, location, publisher, chapter, or page numbers. For example:
Hartnett, M. (2016). Motivation in Online Education. Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016.
Ismail, A. M., Supriatna, M., & Nurihsan, J. (2023). Student Learning Discipline during the COVID-19 Pandemic. PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching. Education and Learning, 6(3), 1–13.
Schlesinger, W., Cervera-Taulet, A., & Wymer, W. (2021). The influence of university brand image, satisfaction, and university identification on alumni WOM intentions. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 2(1), 1–19.
A minimum of 20 primary references and as much as 85% must be the last 10 years since the article was written. We also need you to provide DOI for each reference listed in your article to increase citations.
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Article Processing Charge
Peer Review Process
Plagiarism Check
Publication Ethics
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Online ISSN: 2988-3636
Print ISSN: 2988-4659
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reflection: Education and Pedagogical Insights (Online ISSN: 2988-3636; Print ISSN: 2988-4659)
Editorial Office of First Ciera Publisher
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