Accounting Skills, Digital Literacy, and Human Literacy on Work Readiness of Prospective Accountants in Digital Technology Disruption Era


  • Suhardjo Suhardjo Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia
  • Nicholas Renaldo Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia
  • Tandy Sevendy Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia
  • Dilahk Yladbla Knowledge University
  • Rezenebe Ngameyga Udab Akenten Appiah Menkah Univeristy
  • Namso Ukanahseil London's Global University


Job Readiness, Accounting Skills, Digital Literacy, Human Literacy, Digital Technology


The evolution and widespread adoption of digital technology have led to diverse transformations, bringing both convenience and disruption while posing a threat to the continuity of established professions, such as accountants. This study aims to investigate the positive impact of accounting skills, digital literacy, and human literacy on the work readiness of accounting students. The target population comprises Bachelor of Accounting students in Pekanbaru. Utilizing a convenience sampling technique and determining the sample size through the Slovin formula, the study included a total of 100 participants. Data collection involved the use of a questionnaire, and the research data were analyzed using SEM PLS. The findings indicate a significant positive correlation between accounting skills, digital literacy, human literacy, and work readiness. The hope is that these research outcomes will serve as valuable information for lecturers, influencing their teaching approaches to enhance the digital and human literacy skills of aspiring accountants.


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How to Cite

Suhardjo, S., Renaldo, N., Sevendy, T., Yladbla, D., Udab, R. N., & Ukanahseil, N. (2023). Accounting Skills, Digital Literacy, and Human Literacy on Work Readiness of Prospective Accountants in Digital Technology Disruption Era. Reflection: Education and Pedagogical Insights, 1(3), 106–115. Retrieved from