About the Journal

Interconnection: An Economic Perspective Horizon (Online ISSN: 2988-6562, Print ISSN: 2988-6554) is a journal that discusses the relationship or connection between various aspects of the economy and has a broad perspective and its reach covers various related fields such as economic policy, financial markets, investment, international trade, and so on. This journal also takes a more forward-looking perspective with the aim of understanding economic trends and changes that may occur in the future. This journal publishes articles every February, May, August, and November.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Interconnection: An Economic Perspective Horizon

This journal was published on August, 31th, 2024. The author's country in this edition comes from Indonesia (Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis MasterInstitut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia),


Australia (Bond University), Brunei Darussalam (Universiti Brunei Darussalam), and China (East China Normal University)

Published: 2024-08-31


  • The Influence of Communication in Increasing Work Productivity at PT. Global Technomedica Mandiri Pekanbaru

    Wanda Defitri, Dani Dani
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61230/interconnection.v2i2.99
View All Issues

Interconnection: An Economic Perspective Horizon (Online ISSN: 2988-6562, Print ISSN: 2988-6554) is a journal focused on research related to economics and its various aspects, such as business, finance, international trade, and public policy. The journal aims to publish high-quality empirical and theoretical research papers that contribute to the understanding of economic interconnections, especially in a global context. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

Micro and macroeconomics, Financial markets and institutions, International trade and investment, Public policy and governance, Economic development and growth, Econometrics and quantitative methods, Entrepreneurship and innovation, Corporate social responsibility, Environmental economics, Behavioral economics, Interdisciplinary economics, Transdisciplinary economics, multidisciplinary economics, and other relevant fields of economics.

The journal welcomes original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, conceptual papers, book reviews that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in economics, and other forms of articles approved by the Editor.



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Authors from 1 institution in Indonesia: IDR 350,000
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Interconnection: An Economic Perspective Horizon (Online ISSN: 2988-6562, Print ISSN: 2988-6554)