@article{Junaedi_Renaldo_Yovita_Veronica_Sudarno_2023, title={Digital Culture as a Moderating Factor in Increasing Digital Literacy}, volume={1}, url={https://firstcierapublisher.com/index.php/reflection/article/view/49}, abstractNote={<p>This research aims to develop a measurement of digital culture as a moderating factor in increasing digital literacy. By using an interdisciplinary approach that combines the concepts of digital literacy and digital culture, this research contributes to the understanding of how digital culture can influence the effectiveness of digital literacy programs. Literary studies provide a theoretical foundation for identifying key dimensions of digital literacy and digital culture. Based on literature findings, a measurement instrument was developed and validated to measure digital cultural norms, values, and practices that moderate digital literacy. Data was collected through surveys from a sample of respondents covering a variety of cultural backgrounds. Data analysis using statistical methods reveals that digital culture has a significant impact in moderating the relationship between digital literacy and other variables that influence technology mastery. The conclusion of this research emphasizes the importance of considering digital culture in digital literacy development programs. Methodological limitations and suggestions for future research are also identified. This research paves the way for a deeper understanding of the complexity of the relationship between digital literacy and digital culture, with practical applications for developing more effective digital literacy strategies in an increasingly technologically connected society.</p>}, number={3}, journal={Reflection: Education and Pedagogical Insights}, author={Junaedi, Achmad Tavip and Renaldo, Nicholas and Yovita, Indri and Veronica, Kristy and Sudarno, Sudarno}, year={2023}, month={Oct.}, pages={116–127} }

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          <title>Enhancing Teacher Performance through Capacity Building: A Comprehensive Analysis of Professional Development, Mentoring, and Organizational Support</title>
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          <jats:p>This research examines the impact of capacity-building initiatives on teacher performance, focusing on the role of professional development, mentoring, and resource availability. Through a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and interviews, the study identifies a significant positive relationship between capacity-building efforts and improved teaching effectiveness. The research integrates various theoretical frameworks, including Andragogy, Social Cognitive Theory, and the Resource-Based View, to understand how these initiatives enhance teachers' confidence, classroom management, and student engagement. However, the study also highlights challenges such as time constraints, inadequate funding, and insufficient administrative support, which can hinder the effectiveness of capacity-building programs. The findings emphasize the need for continuous institutional support and the strategic integration of capacity-building efforts to foster sustainable improvements in teaching practices. Recommendations include increasing access to tailored professional development, integrating mentoring into capacity-building programs, and regularly evaluating the impact of these initiatives on teacher performance.</jats:p>
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