Promotion Strategies, Distribution, and Product Variations on Offline and Online Purchase Decisions at Aneka Salim Group Pekanbaru
Promotion Strategy, Distribution, Variation, Purchase DecisionAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of promotional strategies, distribution, and product variations on offline and online purchasing decisions at Aneka Salim Group Pekanbaru. This research was conducted at Aneka Salim Group Pekanbaru which has a population of 1,200 customers with a sample of 200 customers. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used in this research was smartPLS (Partial Least Square) software version 3.3.6. The results of this study showed that promotion did not have a significant influence on the purchasing decisions of Aneka Salim Group Pekanbaru, while distribution and product variations had a significant influence on purchasing decisions of Aneka Salim Group Pekanbaru. Based on the conclusions above, it can be proposed suggestions for companies to promote the Aneka Salim Group Pekanbaru strategy to create a balanced and equitable promotion system strategy between online and offline sales. In the distribution of Aneka Salim Pekanbaru Group, it can maintain a quality and quantity cross-check system in offline and online sales before being distributed to customers. As well as product variations, Aneka Salim Group Pekanbaru continues to innovate and adapt products to provide complete product variations to consumers. This is increasing so that the purchasing decisions of Aneka Salim Group customers can continue to improve.
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